Making money… effortless.

The Spiritual Investor Program

Designed to bring your Quantum money
goals to life through investing.

It’s time for a new money paradigm.

And no, I’m not talking about working on your money mindset or releasing your attachment to money and trusting Source. Because let’s be honest — you’re already doing that. 

You’ve taken the money mindset courses. 

You’ve done the inner work. 

So… where the hell is the financial abundance?! 

I know you, Spiritual Entrepreneur. I know that you’ve been working on existing in the Quantum field. That your goals are big and audacious, and you’ve been living as your higher self, because you KNOW that’s who you need to be to attract what you want.

And yet…making money isn’t quite effortless, or if it is, retaining it hasn’t seemed to happen yet. 

Bottom line: you’re not seeing the dollars in your bank account continue to grow. 

So what’s the deal? 

Here’s what most spiritual people won’t tell you:
your issue isn’t in the Quantum field.

Sure, you might still have some inner work to do when it comes to money. Who doesn’t? But that’s not what’s keeping you from living in symbiosis with money. 

It’s your money practice — or more specifically, what you do or do not do consistently around  money

Tell me if you’ve ever found yourself saying something like this before: 

  • I’m not attached to money. 

  • I don’t do my work for the money, I do it to help people. 

  • I’m not in it for the money. 

  • I don’t check my money because money always flows to me. 

Sound familiar? 

I hear it from spiritual entrepreneurs all the time. 

They’ve released their attachment to money, but they’re not seeing their wealth grow because they’re ONLY focused on their money mindset.

They’re ignoring, or resisting, the 3D to stay firmly rooted in the Quantum. 

But can I let you in on a secret? 

If you truly want to grow your wealth, you need BOTH the 3D and the Quantum. 

Because at the end of the day, there is no aspect of the energy of money that makes you actually log into your investment account and DO something. 

If you truly want to grow your wealth in a way that helps you feel secure in money so that you can show up in the world in your value, it’s going to take bridging the gap. 

And this is going to come from an ongoing money practice that merges the Quantum with the 3D money world.

It’s time to stop avoiding your money

If you’re like most of the spiritual people I work with, chances are that paying attention to your money feels at odds with your way of being. 

Somewhere along the way, things like investing and money management became equated with everything that you’re NOT. And it makes sense! 

I mean, when you picture money management, you probably picture some old dude telling you what to do or to invest in things that don’t even represent your values. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Money isn’t something you do. It’s a practice. 

And just like your spiritual practices, you can create a money practice that is fun, energizing, and aligns with your values. 

Let me show you!

The SI Method: 

How we connect the energy of money with real finance inside The Spiritual Investor

Phase One: Aligning the Energy of Money

We start with our energy. This phase is all about taking your spiritual principles and applying them to money. From clearing your energy right from the start, to tapping into the Quantum to become a money conduit, to learning how money is truly a practice of self love, we’ll dive deep into bringing money into the spiritual so you can unite the two.

Phase Two: Implementing Real Finance 

This is where we bring in the 3D world. In order to build true wealth, we need to give your dollars a path to the bank account. Inside the Spiritual Investor, we do that by creating a financial plan that leverages money management and investing in a way that aligns with the new identity and habits you’ve created in phase one. This is where you become a millionaire in the real world.

The truth is…you don’t need a money mindset program.

You need to bridge the gap between your Quantum goals and your money habits, so that you can be the person you’re meant to be, attract the money you want to attract, and effortlessly grow your wealth without having to DO more on the day-to-day. 

And that’s exactly what The Spiritual Investor Program does. 

I'm going to show you how to live on a new money frequency, manage your money from a place of abundance, and expand your dollars through investing so that you can create secure wealth. 

This is NOT your typical money management or money mindset program. It’s truly a unification of the Quantum and the 3D so you can make smart financial decisions without ignoring who you are and how you exist in this world

The Spiritual Investor Program is for you if…

  • You’re interested in investing, but feel scared or resistant to it 

  • You know you need a financial game plan, but you don't resonate with the financial industry. No old gray haired dudes for you. 

  • You want to grow your wealth, but you also want to honor your spiritual side and practices 

  • You’re tired of trusting your money to people who aren’t spiritual and don’t honor the way you want to see it grow 

  • You want to learn how to be in alchemy with money 

  • You want ease and effortlessness in growing your wealth 

  • You want to build your financial acumen while continuing to trust Source and set goals on the Quantum level 

Let’s address the elephant in the room:

Investing feels really overwhelming for most people. 

And I get it — you’ve been conditioned to think that you don’t have the knowledge to be able to invest your money in the market. 

Well excuse me for saying so, but… 

I disagree. 

You are more than capable of learning how to invest your money. Hundreds of students inside The Spiritual Investor Program have done it, and so can you. 

In fact, you SHOULD be the one managing your money, because it should be your energy behind it! 

If you know a bit about me, then you know I worked on a financial trading floor for over a decade. I’ve created my own wealth plan over the years, and if there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that investing is one of the best tools for growing your wealth

Investing allows you to expand money without having to DO more. 

Why WOULDN’T you want to experience a world in which you put a dollar into something and it expands without you having to DO / WORK more?! 

Biggest takeaway: Don't get caught up on the investment in this program. You will "find" this money once you start managing your money in a new way and get on board with investing.

Instead, tap into the knowingness that you can turn $200/month into $500k once you know what you are doing. And this is the guidance system that will get you there.

Don’t believe me? Just look at what you can do when you invest: 

What’s Inside the Spiritual Investor Program?

The SI Method Training Modules 

When you join The Spiritual Investor Program, you’ll get 12 months of access to our growing portal of Spiritual Investor training videos and content with concise, step-by-step processes to help you call in money and expand it starting NOW.

20+ LIVE Q&A Coaching Calls Per Year 

This program isn’t just about sitting in front of a computer screen and listening to me drone one. It’s about getting actual, specific support and guidance as you learn to manage your money and bring it in from the Quantum. With plenty of opportunities for coaching and support, you’ll be embodying your new money practices in no time.

Guidance And Support In Our Community 

The Spiritual Investor program is full of spiritual people like YOU who are here to make money fun and energizing. Your enrollment comes with full access to our high-vibe spiritual money community. It’s invaluable.

Quarterly Investing Calls

A big part of this program is about actually opening your investment account and investing. We’ll get together once a quarter as a group and go over the market, so you can walk away and actually INVEST!

PLUS you get all of these incredible bonuses!

Exclusive Live Workshop with
Holly Shipley ($555 VALUE)

Join us for an incredible co-hosted bonus workshop with Elizabeth, The SI Team, and our trusted colleague Holly Shipley. An engaging speaker and experienced digital strategy leader, Holly has worked with multinational corporations, SMBs, and non-profit groups across a wide range of sectors to aid them in understanding, utilizing, and responding effectively to the emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

Generative AI is a rapidly evolving field with the potential to transform many industries and aspects of everyday life and business. This session aims to equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to explore the world of generative AI, understand its potential, and make informed decisions about its application in your business. You’ll also hear from our SI Team about the many ways we're using A.I. in our business to work in a more effortless way. 

Kundalini Prosperity Practices with Jennifer Saltiel  (ONGOING VALUE)

Use Kundalini Yoga and Meditation to enhance your innate capacity to create and hold real and fulfilling prosperity. Ignite your soul's desire to operate from a place of limitless generosity, compassion, and receptivity, opening up your system and sensitivity to a new level of true enrichment. Use breathwork, sacred sound currents, physical yoga, and meditation to turn up your frequency and open yourself to a higher vibrational reality. This is the space of miracles. 

We have a BONUS workshop in the program, AND Jen frequently comes into our coaching calls to give you short practices to add to your toolbox!

Jen Saltiel has been practicing and working with the Kundalini Yoga technology since 2012. As a devout student of Guru Jagat’s and Chief of Staff of the RA MA Institute Global team, she has a deep connection with the teachings and genuine love and desire to deliver them to the world. Her classes are clear, uplifting, rhythmic, and meditative.

Make Your Kid a Millionaire Workshop with Elizabeth ($444 VALUE)

The most common regret in investing is not starting sooner. Seize the opportunity to set your children on the path to financial freedom. In this live workshop with Elizabeth, she will guide you (and your kids!) through the fundamental principles of investing, demonstrating how starting early can lead to incredible wealth accumulation over time.

This session is designed to provide you and your young ones with the knowledge, tools, and strategies needed to kickstart a lifetime of smart investing.

Imagine if you had started investing as a tween or teen! Most of us just weren't taught these skills or concepts and so we've had to do a lot of un-learning in addition to learning when it comes to wealth building. 

This is your opportunity to break old family cycles of lack, scarcity, and fear. Instead, create a new future for your family by giving your children the gift of training them early to be Spiritual Investors. 

Ask a Spiritual CPA Workshop with Rana Wilson ($444 Value)

Have you ever felt like your accountant is speaking another language? Wouldn't it be amazing to find a CPA that you felt spiritually aligned with? Look no further! Rana Wilson, a conscious money guide has been on a Spiritual path for over twenty years. She is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), an accredited KAP facilitator (Kundalini Activation Process), and a bridge between Spirit and money. Rana is devoted to bringing consciousness to people’s relationship with money, creating a sense of ease while preparing your taxes and embodying a more integrated life. 

In this workshop, Rana demystifies retirement accounts once and for all! Learn all about the different types of retirement accounts and which one is right for you based on where you are in your business.

Human Design Workshop with Emma Dunwoody ($333 VALUE)

How your Human Design can help you discover your greatness, align to your purpose and create more abundance.

Emma Dunwoody is a qualified Master Coach and Human Behavioral Specialist who wakes people up to the power within them using Human Design, a system of self-knowledge and guidance unlike anything else that exists. Her vision is to take Human Design mainstream so it becomes more widely accepted than any other global profiling, behavioral or healing system — she believes it will transform personal development, education, and business forever. Emma wants to inspire everyone to unlock their inner wisdom, take their power back and feel deeply confident in the decisions they make. This will create a population that values themselves and courageously lives their truth, which will deliver us to a new paradigm of peace, joy, and abundance.

5-Day Experience to Get You Started on the Right Foot  ($QUANTUM VALUE!) 

Quantum Leap Week is a special 5-day bonus training that you can dive into any time to jumpstart or restart your SI experience! Elizabeth leads you through a wealth-expanding journey that will help you to supercharge your SI experience. The intention of Quantum Leap Week is to help you bend time so you manifest your wealth goals with even more ease, effortlessness, and fun! Plus, it's an amazing opportunity to connect even deeper with your fellow SI members. 

Curious about what to expect? Here’s what some of our students have to say about their experience:

Choose Your Path:

The structure of The Spiritual Investor Program models the values that I’m teaching inside the program:

⭐ Invest in yourself
⭐ Get energetically behind the money you are calling in
⭐ Go out and do it on your own, experience new tools while being the new you in the 3D world
⭐ Come back to the SI Program and community anytime for investing knowledge and money guidance
⭐ Have fun! Every dollar is a gift and money is meant to be fun.

This is why your 12-month membership (paid monthly or in full) grants you access to The Spiritual Investor Program, including all calls and workshops that occur during your membership year. Renew annually to keep enjoying these benefits and to stay connected with our community whenever you need.

The Spiritual Investor Program (12 Monthly Payments of $222)

  • 12 months of access to our growing portal of Spiritual Investor training videos and content with concise, step-by-step processes to help you call in money and expand it starting NOW ($444 value)

  • 12 months of access to mind-blowingly valuable live group coaching calls ($4444 value)

  • Participation in our high-vibe spiritual money community (Quantum Pricing  = Unconditional Love)

  • FREE tickets to any workshops we do during your 12 months ($444 plus exponential value)

  • Access to quarterly BONUS workshops like AI Investing, Human Design, and Money ($3000 plus exponential value)

12-month Commitment

The Spiritual Investor Program (Pay Once & Save $442, Plus Get Extra Support)

  • 12 months of access to our growing portal of Spiritual Investor training videos and content with concise, step-by-step processes to help you call in money and expand it starting NOW ($444 value)

  • 12 months of access to mind-blowingly valuable live group coaching calls ($4444 value)

  • Participation in our high-vibe spiritual money community (Quantum Pricing  = Unconditional Love)

  • FREE tickets to any workshops we do during your 12 months ($444 plus exponential value)

  • Access to quarterly BONUS workshops like AI Investing, Human Design, and Money ($3000 plus exponential value)

One-time Payment

The Spiritual Investor Program PLUS Our 2024 Spiritual Investor Mastermind

  • 12 months of access to The Spiritual Investor Program ($2222 Value) 

  • 9 X 2-Hour Mastermind Sessions with Elizabeth ($9000 Value)

  • 3 Months of Full Access to The Spiritual Investor Club, where you get access to Elizabeth's personal stock list and a monthly Real-Time Market Update from her so you know what's going on in the world of investing. (Priceless because stocks increase in value over time.)

  • Access to our private Spiritual Investor Mastermind Community (Priceless)


One-time Payment of $7000

Your satisfaction or your money back

That's right. In The Spiritual Investor, we give you 30 days (once you get access to the program) to prove to YOURSELF that this program will deliver the results we're promising you. If it doesn't, then all you need to do is contact our team, and we will happily refund your investment.

But full disclosure, there is one catch: you have to show us you did the work.

And the reason is simple...nothing works unless you work it. 

We all know those people that buy a course looking for a quick fix, don't ever open it, and then ask for a refund because they tell themselves the product didn't work. We know that's not you. So show us you've gone through the modules, done the work, shown up for YOURSELF, and if you're still not 100% satisfied, we will happily give you your money back. 

 Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Never having invested before doesn't mean you are behind or not fully as capable as anyone who has been investing. In fact, oftentimes it's easier to learn something when you aren't trying to replace old habits. So beginners, get ready!

  • There’s no such thing as too late. The best time to buy stock is today.

  • That is completely up to you. I recommend $200/month to start because that can easily turn into $500k future money. But even just $12 can expand in the market.

  • Why not do both? Inside The Spiritual Investor Program, you’ll create a financial game plan based on your priorities (and yes, investing and debt repayment can both be a priority!). We had several students last year who were paying off debt while investing, and the market returned 24%. I bet they’re not disappointed that they invested while paying down debt, right?!

  • The Spiritual Investor Program has helped tons of spiritual entrepreneurs just like you to leverage the tapping into the energy of money + investing for massive transformation more quickly than they ever expected. YOU are 100% in control of your results, which means the more work you put in, the more results you will experience.

    So the real question here is how committed are YOU to making money no matter what? How willing are you to invest the time it takes to learn what we teach in The Spiritual Investor?

    If you’re here to see how you can get rich quick and not put in the work, then this isn’t the place for you. Our spiritual entrepreneurs are committed to putting in the inner and outer work it takes to build wealth no matter what. Are you?

  • This isn't about time it's about effort and bringing the power of you to the moment. However, know that we designed the program to fit into a busy schedule.

    Upon enrolling in The Spiritual Investor, you'll get immediate access to the exact step-by-step process to follow so there are literally no excuses for you not executing. The videos inside the program were designed with the busy entrepreneur in mind. The average video length is 10 minutes + a short learning assignment. The Q&A calls are GOLD and deliver the answers you need in real time.

    The only way to not execute on it would be because of YOU. So, it’s not about knowing the amount of time it takes to go through all the material, it’s about knowing how committed you are to taking action on ONE thing at a time.

  • No problem at all! Email us at

This could be you!

  • (This program) has helped me realize that I need to tell my money where to go and what to do. I have to be intentional with it, or it will stay where it's at: static. It has gotten me so excited about my financial goals, and it has helped shift my belief that it is possible to achieve what I want. I feel way more knowledgeable and empowered.


  • Our biggest win has been learning that we CAN invest and we don't need to fear the system or be so hard on ourselves when it comes to spending money has been a huge win for us. We set up our investment account and are purchasing new stocks regularly. We no longer feel anxious when we talk about money. A topic that used to be a source of stress and worry for us is now sexy and exciting! We've exposed our money stories to ourselves and to each other and feel at ease with our new awareness and powerful shift in our money vibe.


  • I never thought I would love learning about stocks so much. This class is helping me re-evaluate so many things in my life that are not even related to my finances and that has already started being incredibly helpful and life-changing.


It’s time to make a choice.

If you’re ready to become a conduit for money, we’re ready for you.

If you’re ready to expand your wealth, we’re ready for you. 

If you’re ready to be in alchemy with money, we’re ready for you. 

If you’re ready to try something DIFFERENT — something beyond the old ways of money management and simple manifestation — we’re ready for you!

The SI Program is unlike any other. I know because I’ve heard our students say it again and again over the last five years. It truly merges the 3D and the Quantum — which is where the sweet spot is to expand your wealth beyond what you have been told is possible. 

You already know your next step. You already exist in your new reality. You feel it, don’t you? 

I can’t wait to see you inside the program, friend.