2022 You F^&*cking Wildchild

In this episode, Elizabeth reflects back on the wildchild that was the year 2022, as well as the word that she chose to focus on at the beginning of the year and how it manifested itself in her life in such a surprising way that there was no doubt it was being orchestrated behind the scenes.  She chose her word purely based on her own intuition, without knowing exactly where it would lead her. Letting go of control, and of the things that are no longer serving your greater purpose, is a necessary step to achieving financial success and spiritual enlightenment. Allowing her intentions to guide her and letting go of her innate desire to be certain of the next steps made it possible for her to reach the destination she intended despite the challenges she was faced with along the way.  Because she applied the same neutrality towards her journey towards independence that she applies towards finances and wealth, she was able to work through all of the difficult changes and transitions that she was faced with, while she continued to grow her business effortlessly. 

Elizabeth shares the exact process that allowed her to remain centered and focused during on of the most gut-wrenching turbulent times of her life. Focusing on her word over the past year has taught Elizabeth to seek comfort  from within herself without the need to seek comfort or affirmation from external forces.



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