The Spiritual Investor Podcast
Imagine Alan Watts Meets Warren Buffet.
This podcast combines spirituality and investing in an electrifying way that gives you financial leverage. Your host is Elizabeth Ralph a former microbiologist turned energy trader finance geek who happened to pick up many spiritual friends and guru's along the way.
The future of money is all about positioning and being at front of the line
when opportunity comes your way.
Expect to be shifted into this new cosmic money realm.
The Observer vs You
This weeks episode of The Spiritual Investor Podcast is all about turning inward for clarity about the cycles and habits in our lives that may be pulling us out of neutrality and keeping us at a lower money frequency.
When your goals start to seem overwhelming or unobtainable, your daily practices and self awareness are what give you the power to shift your own perspective and achieve what you really want.
Instead of envisioning the end result of your goals, focus on what you can change right now in order to get you one step closer to that goal.
When you look at your life and your money from the perspective of the neutral observer, you’ll be able to see when something isn’t working.
Having that type of clarity gives you the power to implement changes from a place of non-judgement, which helps you shift back into neutrality so that you can continue raising your money frequency.
We have an upcoming LIVE workshop!
For more information visit or follow me on Instagram
Break Me Down Build Me Up
One mantra that keeps coming up in my life lately is, "The time is now." The beauty of this phrase is that it can mean so many different things in so many situations. Sometimes when I say this phrase to myself, it means that it's time for me to get my ass in gear and start making shit happen! Other times, it's a reminder to myself that I need to slow down and enjoy the present moment. But what significance does this mantra hold in relation to money?
In this Episode of the Spiritual Investor Podcast, we're talking about stepping into the NOW of the Money World. What does it look like when we break down our old structures and start living in the New Paradigm of Money? The new way of dealing with money is all about stepping into your personal power so that you can provide full flow value in the most effortless way possible. Money is energy and when you stop measuring your own financial value in hours worked and instead, put your energy into providing authentic, full flow value, you're going to naturally attract more money.
The bottom line is that the New Paradigm of Money is all about combining your spiritual practices with your financial practices, which is exactly what we do in the Spiritual Investor Program.
In my personal life, I've spent the last year blowing up all of my own old structures in order to continue growing and evolving and raising my own money frequency. Just because you already have a high money frequency, doesn't mean that it can't get any higher!
Even though I was living my dream on a horse ranch in California, I knew that if I didn't make some big changes, despite the discomfort that it would cause in my life, I was going to end up getting energetically stuck, which would prevent me from providing full flow value to my students in the Spiritual Investor Program.. The past year has been extremely chaotic, no doubt....moving across the country, ending my marriage, going through months of home renovations, dealing with my horse's injuries AND my own injuries from my horse, and most recently, a massive tornado in my hometown...despite all of this chaos, I've been absolutely amazed by the expansion that I've seen in my business and all of the beauty that has come into my life as a result of the old structures that I tore down. I've never felt more certain in my life that I'm going in the right direction.
If you're ready to deconstruct your old structures too so that you can step into the New Paradigm of the Money, sign up for our upcoming LIVE Money Workshop on April 19th, The 7 Laws of Accelerated Wealth. We're going to help you identify the parts of your old self that are holding you back from building the wealth and abundance that you desire. Early bird pricing is available through Monday, April 17th, so sign up today at .
Remember, THE TIME IS NOW! Why wait to start building your dream life? Don’t miss this opportunity…this Workshop is the perfect first step to take if you want to start learning how to build wealth effortlessly RIGHT NOW.
The Power of Rama
My experience as a student at Ra Ma Business Schoolback in 2021 was such a huge turning point for my business, and my entire life. Guru Jagat was one of my mentors at Ra Ma. The advice that she gave me caused me to dismantle so many limiting beliefs that I didn’t even realize I had been carrying. She saw through all of the bullshit, and she helped me to evolve as an entrepreneur, and as a human being.
Although Guru Jagat passed away unexpectedly shortly after we met, her spirit is still very much present in my life and in the lives of so many others who knew her. So much of her vision for the future has manifested into reality.
This incredible journey that I’ve been through with Ra Ma and with Guru Jagat really came full circle for me a couple of weeks ago when I was asked to teach in person at this year’s Ra Ma Business School in Los Angeles. I’m so honored and excited for this unbelievable opportunity.
In this episode, I’ll tell you the full story of how I met Guru Jagat, the advice she gave me and how it changed my life, and how that got me to where I am now, 2 years later, about to teach at Ra Ma myself.
Effortless Money
When you are creating you are in that same moment allowing what's waiting for you in the quantum field to come in.
But what about when it comes to creating money?
How do we build wealth in the 3D world in an effortless way?
In this episode, I take you through the mechanics of how money goes from the quantum field to 3D. I also give you the 5 steps you need in order to accomplish it in ...yes you guessed it... an effortless way.
Reach out to me on Instagram at @elizabethralph
Learn more about our programs and free tools to help you with money and investing at
Money Frequency
This episode dives deep into money frequency because this is the future of money and the way you will call in more. But the problem is most people are getting it wrong. I share my own experience with money frequency, a student's journey, and practices that you can begin doing now.
Join us in our LIVE Money Workshop on January 27th, 2023 at 11am PST to continue practicing what you will learn inside this podcast.
Go to my bio on IG @elizabethralph or sign up at
2022 You F^&*cking Wildchild
In this episode, Elizabeth reflects back on the wildchild that was the year 2022, as well as the word that she chose to focus on at the beginning of the year and how it manifested itself in her life in such a surprising way that there was no doubt it was being orchestrated behind the scenes. She chose her word purely based on her own intuition, without knowing exactly where it would lead her. Letting go of control, and of the things that are no longer serving your greater purpose, is a necessary step to achieving financial success and spiritual enlightenment. Allowing her intentions to guide her and letting go of her innate desire to be certain of the next steps made it possible for her to reach the destination she intended despite the challenges she was faced with along the way. Because she applied the same neutrality towards her journey towards independence that she applies towards finances and wealth, she was able to work through all of the difficult changes and transitions that she was faced with, while she continued to grow her business effortlessly.
Elizabeth shares the exact process that allowed her to remain centered and focused during on of the most gut-wrenching turbulent times of her life. Focusing on her word over the past year has taught Elizabeth to seek comfort from within herself without the need to seek comfort or affirmation from external forces.
Money Outside Of Time
Are you going through a big energetic shift right now? Perfect, because everything in this episode is speaking to that new version of you.
How do use investing as a way to step into your new money identity
Why is it that wealthy people just seem to get wealthier?
Overcoming the biggest money block, TIME!!
Plus, I share a money practice that I am implementing in my own life right now in order to be more of a money conduit.
Two Emotions That Will Connect You To Money
In this episode you will learn to connect to a higher money frequency using two emotions. This allows you to create a consistent frequency with money which is how you open yourself as a money conduit. The days of “doing” are becoming less efficient and the days of allowing and feeling into our own creation are here and now.
The Biggest Money Block That Keeps People Poor
In this episode I teach you how to go deep into the wealthy mindset and move beyond one of the biggest money beliefs that hold people back. I also share insight from current spiritual investor students and what holds them back from taking the next best action step in their own life. Money is energy and the amount of money you want is waiting. These are the tools you need to call more in.
Blow Up Your 3D Self-Identity
Join me as I go back in the past and tell you about my personal money story and how I grew to where I am today.
A Trip To The Other Side
Join me as I go back in the past and tell you about my personal money story and how I grew to where I am today.
The Future Of Money Is Now
Join me as I go back in the past and tell you about my personal money story and how I grew to where I am today.
Letting Go To Receive Billions
Join me as I go back in the past and tell you about my personal money story and how I grew to where I am today.
How Billionaires Think
Join me as I go back in the past and tell you about my personal money story and how I grew to where I am today.
Full Flow Unconditional Money
Join me as I go back in the past and tell you about my personal money story and how I grew to where I am today.
Your Next Best Money Step
Join me as I go back in the past and tell you about my personal money story and how I grew to where I am today.
The Evolution Of Money
Join me as I go back in the past and tell you about my personal money story and how I grew to where I am today.
Raise Your Money Vibration
Join me as I go back in the past and tell you about my personal money story and how I grew to where I am today.
Taking Radical Responsibility With Money But Without Spending More Time
Join me as I go back in the past and tell you about my personal money story and how I grew to where I am today.
Becoming Socrates And Stepping Out Of The Money Matrix
Join me as I go back in the past and tell you about my personal money story and how I grew to where I am today.